Wednesday, March 28, 2007

When I See An Elephant Walk At A Moderate Pace...

I went last night to the middle of the town, right near the Queens-Midtown Tunnel, in order to look at some elephants. The Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus marches their elephants through midtown at around midnight once a year, every year, to transport these animals into the Garden in preparation for the circus. Seeing the elephants was kinda cool: even if I expected them to have more than ten. I was expecting at least two dozen, maybe even more. But I guess elephants are expensive. (This guy from India wants to know where to buy one. I applaud his creativity. Maybe the most worthwhile link I will ever post on this blog.)

The more cool part was hanging out in Midtown with other NYers who were very worked up about the elephants. Someone even started an elephant cheer that went like this: "El-e-phants! El-e-phants! El-e-phants!" I've never heard the word "elephant" so often in my life.

Sample Conversation:
Guy: Elephant, elephant elephant elephants elephant elephant?
Other Guy: Elephant? Elephant elephants, baby elephants elephants; Dumbo elephants elephant, Babar elephants elephant.

Another Sample Conversation:
Lady: I want to see the f-ing elephants!

Yet another sample conversation, this time taking the form of helpful advice offered by Etan:
Etan: Never get between a mother elephant and her young. You gotta trust me on this.

It is a special feeling to be united with other NYers, all galvanized by the truly worthy cause of: elephants.


Unknown said...

First of all, great blog Avi. That being said, as much as I too respect this guy's ingenuity at wanting an elephant to take him to work, he's living in a fantasy world if he thinks it's only going to cost him five dollars.

Avi said...

Um, Joshua, that $5.00 amount listed on that Google-Answers site is not how much he is willing to pay for an elephant: it's how much he is willing to pay to receive an answer for the question he submitted. That elephant-man probably deserves its own post, so I'll make sure to clear up this issue when I do so.

Unknown said...

Oh, so he's even more foolish than I thought, who would pay five dollars for me to tell him my answer which is no?